Poggi e associati


Extensive experience in providing legal advice to companies

• The Firm has extensive experience in providing legal advice to companies on extraordinary finance transactions such as mergers and acquisitions carried out both in Italy and abroad by industrial operators, professional investors and private equity funds.

• The Firm assists its Clients in the planning and implementation of due diligence activities and in the negotiation and drafting of the related contracts.

• Our consultancy service addresses all of our Clients’ legal issues, including investment and divestment transactions carried out by private equity funds, such as leveraged and management buyouts and buy-ins and venture capital transactions.

• The Firm provides legal advice both to companies that require financing and to credit institutions providing the same and, in particular, assistance in the negotiation and drafting of finance agreements, security packages and other financial documents.

• Our experts have broad expertise in corporate law and in providing advice to both Italian and international companies on the negotiation and drafting of commercial, distribution, franchising, agency, production and supply agreements.

• The Firm is also able to assist its Clients in intellectual property matters, in particular providing advice on the negotiation and drafting of license agreements or in the transfer of patents, trademarks and know how.

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