Poggi e associati


Our strength:
a full understanding of our Client’s requirements

Poggi & Associati has many years of experience in providing tax and legal assistance to a wide range of Italian and foreign companies.

The strength of the Firm lies in its capacity to gain a full understanding of the Client’s economic, financial and organisational structure, providing solutions that integrate the financial and the economic aspects, with the legal and tax requirements, with the primary purpose to concretely add value to their business.

The Firm’s aim is to establish a long-term relationship with its Client offering the required excellent expertise and confidence.

All of the Firm’s partners and associates share a common vision and approach to the development of professional synergy and effective team work.
In particular, the Firm is focused on providing highly qualified, specialised services through a team of experts under the guidance of a partner and on the ongoing development of relationships with other professional and corporate entities.

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